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Tracks if a scrollable container is at the bottom and provides functionality to stick to the bottom as content changes


  • Initial message 1
  • Initial message 2
  • Initial message 3
Status: At bottom


The useStickToBottom utility helps track if a scrollable container is at the bottom and provides functionality to stick to the bottom as content changes. This is particularly useful for chat or message interfaces where you want to automatically scroll to new content.

		<script lang="ts">
	import { useStickToBottom } from "runed";
	let contentToTrack: HTMLElement | null = $state(null);
	const { state, scrollToBottom } = useStickToBottom(() => contentToTrack);
<div class="relative overflow-auto">
	<div bind:this={contentToTrack}>
		{#each messages as message}
{#if !$state.isAtBottom}
	<button onclick={() => scrollToBottom()}>Scroll to bottom</button>